Monday, November 30, 2009

Can facebook suceed in Japan?

Facebook has flaws. Facebook is still the best place to connect with people. Much better than other SNS.
Facebook decided to get into Japanese SNS market for real. So a "Facebook Japan" might come closer.
My space offers a Japanese version now. also Facebook offers language "Japanese". these sites offer no incentives for many Japanese people to join however. I am sure most "ordinary" Japanese people never even heard of these services.The Japanese don't really care much about other SN than Mixi. Can Facebook emulate this tremendous success?
1)Japanese people love innovations and Facebook will be new to Japanese.
2)Compared to domestic products, foreign goods and services are often viewed as cooler, more exotic and desirable.
3)Facebook is totally different from Mixi and would be quite unique in this country's Internet market.
4)More and more Japanese people have international friends they would like to be connected with. A Japanese version of Facebook might overcome the language barrier in online networking (Mixi is only available in Japanese).
1)Facebook is too late. They are many SNS exist in Japan such as Mixi. so there are big comperitors in Japan.
2)The Japanese are the most quality conscious people in the world. Especially security/privacy problems are serious issues in Japan. I am not sure if many Japanese people would trust a foreign social network service to keep their personal data safe.
4)Facebook applications are cool but mostly in English.
I think It will be hard for Facebook to continue its success story in Japan. But I am curious about this emergence. How Japanese accept the international SNS.
For me Facebook and Mixi are good tool to communicate with people. Same as ordinary Japanese I do not accept as friend who is unfamiliar with, and publish my photos only to my friends. I use Facebook to keep in touch international friends, and use Mixi to communicate with Japanese friends. The members of facebook in Japan are gradually expanded. I want to see how can facebook make it in Japan.

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