Friday, November 13, 2009

MOVIE -train man-

This is the movie about Japanese Otaku fall in love with beautiful lady.

It change the view of otaku in Japan. There are remake of this movie in US. I don't know it is wellknown.

It is based on the purportedly true story of a 23-year-old Otaku(Japanese geek) who intervened when a drunk man was harassing several women on a train. The otaku ultimately begins dating one of the women.
The event, and the man's subsequent dates with the woman, was chronicled on the Japanese mega-BBS 2channel. This led to the compilation of the relevant threads in a book, followed by several manga versions, a movie, a theatrical play later released as a DVD, and finally a TV series.

Densha Otoko become a popular example of the "nice guys" class of Japanese geeks who wish to lead normal lives, but are too shy to find a girlfriend, or speak openly anywhere but online.

He is a hero of Japanese Otaku, and change the view of otaku,and give a power to otaku to speak up their mind.

Media has a big power to influence or change something.

This movie is one of them. Through this movie, many people who does not know about otaku can understand what is otaku, and who had negative image toward otaku can change their mind.

This boom of train man dramatically changed the idea of otaku.

I will explain more about otaku in my final presentation, but if you are interested in these stories please check this movie:)

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