Monday, November 30, 2009

Viral video

A viral video is one of the new medium that gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing typically through email or instant message, blog, SNS, and other media sharing websites.

  • Internet celebrities
    Video websites such as YouTube often create Internet celebrities, popular individuals who have attracted significant publicity in their home countries from their videos.
  • Band and music promotion
    YouTube has also become a means of promoting bands and their music.
  • Whistle blowing
    Viral video has become a way for people to air their grievances in instances of alleged abuses of authority.
  • Customer relations
    Some viral videos can be used by consumers to force companies to react to complaints.

We can find these viral videos or messages everywhere around us. Some companies use this kind of viral advertising well. These are several advantage to use.

Low cost: viral video does not cost high. Every one can make videos.

Freedom of expression: In TV advertising, there are some regulations. In viral advertising we can express freer than TV's.

Internet: nowadays people get information not only from old Media such as radio, and TV, but also through Internet. Young people use Internet and get information rather than old media.

Possibility: There are many ways to use viral advertising in the future especially in global Internet society.

I think viral video will spread widely in many ways through Internet and users. people like new, funny, violent, and sexy things which cannot see in new media. Word-of-mouth spreads like virus, and makes new media era.

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